
Existence Is Non-spatial

Space is defined within a boundary. That boundary is defined within a larger space.

That larger space is defined within a larger boundary. That larger boundary is defined within a larger space, etc, etc, etc.

This cannot continue ad infinitum. Both parentless, neither truly exists.

There is no space in consciousness, as It is a formless non-spatial spiritual Being (reality).

There is no time in consciousness, measured movement in space which does not exist in formless spirit.

Reflect what your consciousness is made of, and you realize it is not made of any 'thing' (material).

Reflect how large your consciousness is, and you realize it is not not any size.

And yet It IS (exists). No one can deny they are conscious.

A spatial material universe cannot arise from an non-spatial immaterial source... formless indivisible consciousness.

Discriminating existence as consciousness without space is the shortest path to realizing the Self.

As you dream a world of space each night (svapam, sleeping dream).

You dream a world of space each day (jagrat, waking dream).

During night you dream with eyes closed (svapam).

During day you dream with eyes open (jagrat).

Both appear in consciousness without space.

by Pardeep

© copyright pardeep 2004 - 2019